Sunday, January 6, 2019

Mama Mia with the Barney Gals - July 31st

Some Pictures of Lily

April 2018

May 2018

 Miscellaneous Photos - Lilly is just growing and growing!

December 29th - Emma and Mom trying our first ever Crumbl cookie - delicious!

December 25th - Christmas Morning - Drinking our orange juice and opening presents.

Christmas Eve at Grandpa and Grandma's home - December 24th

Loveless Family Christmas Party - December 23rd

Whitney Barney's wedding - December 22nd.

This is what Emma left for her cute ladies that she works for at Lakeview for Christmas.

Ugly crazy sweater day at work - December 17th

Loveless kids at Temple Square - December 15th

Emma and Heather going to the single's ward.

Emma and her friends went to Temple Square to see the lights - December 1st.